ELEXON compares how much electricity generators and suppliers say they will produce or consume with actual volumes. We work out a price for the difference and transfer funds. This involves taking 1.25 million meter readings every day and handling £1.5 billion of our customers’ funds each year.
ELEXON explained
Our customers
It is a condition of holding a Generation or Supply License to sign up to the BSC. Therefore our customers, known as BSC Parties, cover the entire wholesale electricity sector in Great Britain and include suppliers, generators, distributors, traders, and energy importers and exporters.
Customer feedback
ELEXON's infographicexplains why our customers rate us as the best code manager, providing key market infrastructure, facilitating competition and delivering settlement services, and how our end-to-end expertise drives efficiency and effectiveness for the benefit of industry and the consumer.
Key groups at ELEXON
Four key groups of people work together to make sure our governance, strategy, and operational delivery combine to deliver an outstanding service for our customers:
What ELEXON does
We administer the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) and provide and procure the services needed to implement it. Our expertise and impartiality give our customers the confidence that the BSC operates efficiently and accurately.
ELEXON in numbers
Here is what we do at ELEXON and how what we do impacts the industry:
- We serve around 470 market particpants.
- We settled around 44TWh in balancing actions and party’s imbalance volumes in 2018/2019.
- We helped 33 new parties enter the market in 2018/2019.
View the complete ELEXON in Numbers infographic
BSC and codes
The BSC and related codes information is an essential part of understanding the formal procedures that govern the electricity industry.
Committees & Groups
The Balancing and Settlement Code is governed by the BSC Panel and its committees and industry groups. They meet to fulfil the duties of the BSC and discuss issues around day to day operations. This includes how changes to the BSC itself, Code Subsidiary Documents and BSC Systems are developed, assessed and implemented.
Managing the Change process
The BSC Change process is used to introduce changes to the BSC arrangements in response to any concerns, problems or defects that Parties may identify in the current processes. Under these processes, changes can be made to the Balancing and Settlement Code, its Code Subsidiary Documents and to BSC Systems.
Compliance procedures
We run a framework of performance assurance standards to ensure that everyone who works with us, and operates within the Balancing and Settlement arrangements, meets the standards and obligations of the BSC. This helps our customers have confidence that the BSC operates efficiently, accurately and fairly.
Training and guidance
ELEXON runs regular training sessions for people involved in the electricity industry. These include an overview of the BSC and specific sessions of key parts of working in the electricity industry. We also produce a collection of guidance pages to help explain the various processes and activities involved.
- More on our training services
- BSC Guidance Notes
- More on operational processes
- More on market entry and exit
Technical and business services
We work with a range of partners and suppliers to ensure that the complex IT systems and business processes we are responsible for delivering meet the high levels of service management required by our customers.
The Design and Delivery department at ELEXON is responsible for delivering Modifications and Changes to the BSC. This includes the central systems required to deliver BSC agent responsibilities.
Our Foundation Programme aims to remodel and update the BSC central systems so that they can deliver a flexible, scalable and open digital platform for our settlement and balancing services.
Company information
ELEXON Ltd is the parent company of a group of companies whose principal role, as set out in the BSC, is to provide and procure the facilities, resources and services required for the implementation of the BSC.
ELEXON subsidiaries are:
- ELEXON Clear Limited
- EMR Settlement Limited
- BSC Co. Limited
- Poolserco Limited
- Poolit Limited