Peer Comparison Graphs

The current set of peer comparison graphs can be found below.

The peer comparison graphs are published in line with BSCP533. Following the end of a PARMS Reporting Period (a calendar month), PARMS submissions must be received within 20 Working Days (WDs). Following this submission deadline, there is a 5WD period for parties to query the submitted data.

The Peer Comparison graphs are then produced and provided to Suppliers. If no queries to these graphs are received within 5WDs from receipt of the graphs, they will then be published on the website below. They will be updated monthly with data for the next reporting period.

About the Serials

The Standards for Serials SP08a and SP08b do not take into account the size of the Supplier ID within that GSP Group. This means that small and large Suppliers have to achieve the same Standard.

Therefore, when viewing the graphs it is worth noting that a Supplier ID may have a low performance but it may only have a low number of Metering Systems, and therefore a smaller impact on the potential settlement error.

The performance displayed by these graphs is related to settlement only, and does not reflect on the Supplier’s ability to produce accurate billing.

The graphs display Supplier IDs. A Supplier ID is a four character reference used in Supplier Volume Allocation activities.

A Qualified Persons Workbook is available for reference and shows which Supplier organisation is associated with each Supplier ID.

Published graphs

Graphs are published for the following Serials:

  • The Public Peer Comparisons of HM12 and NM12 PARMS DAta will using calculations to determine the percentage of MTDs each MOA is reported as not sending to the relevant MOA or DC:
  • HM12 measures whether a HH agent is missing MTDs;
  • NM12 measures whether a NHH agent is missing MTDs;
  • MTDs are considered missing when a Supplier has sent appointment flows (D0155 and / or D0148 as applicable), but no associated MTDs have been received. This relates to the risk(s) that missing MTDs result in Meter readings being misinterpreted or not collected and the inability to issue MTDs to other agents;
  • Each graph for MOA serials NM12 and HM12 display each MOA ID that operates. Each show the Percentage of missing MTDs where either the DC or MOA has received relevant appointment flows (x-axis);
  • Performance is shown at a national level (ELEXON has not broken the metric down by GSP Group). The performance illustrates the total percentage of Missing MTDs by MOA which has been identified as the sender;
  • The reporting is taken from HH and NHH MOAs and DCs;
  • For avoidance of doubt in both the case of NM12 and HM12 the Percentages shall be calculated as: The number of Missing Meter Technical Details divided by the number of unique registrations held in the previous 14 months;
  • These graphs will be published in line with the current SP11 reporting periods.

SP08a – Percentage of Non Half Hourly Energy settled on Annualised Advances at Final Reconciliation (RF)

SP08a - PPC SP08a September 2019 Reporting Period


SP08a Example Graph

  • A column graph shows the performance of each Supplier ID based on its percentage of Non Half Hourly Energy that is settled on Annualised Advances at RF. This data represents an average of performance across all RF Settlement Runs conducted by the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent during a calendar month, and is reported per GSP Group. The required BSC Standard is that a Supplier should settle 97% of its Non Half Hourly Energy on Annualised Advances by RF. The graphs show the reporting period and the range of Settlement dates covered (in the accompanying text), and Supplier IDs are shown alphabetically on the x-axis.
  • Each graph for Supplier Serial SP08a displays each Supplier ID that operates in that particular GSP Group for the current reporting period. These are ordered alphabetically.
  • The percentage (y-axis) scale is set to display the most information possible for all Supplier IDs.
  • There are two horizontal lines labelled for reference. The red line represents the Industry Standard of 97%, the black line represents the GSP Group average performance for the reporting period

SP08b – Percentage of Half Hourly Energy settled on actual Meter readings at the Initial Volume Allocation Run (SF)

SP08b - PPC SP08b September 2019 Reporting Period


SP08b Example Graph

  • A column graph shows the performance of each Supplier ID based on its percentage of Half Hourly Energy that is settled on actual Meter readings at SF. This data represents an average of performance across all SF Settlement Runs conducted by the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent during a calendar month, and is reported per GSP Group. The required BSC Standard is that a Supplier should settle 99% of its Half Hourly Energy on actual Meter readings by SF. The graphs show the reporting period and the range of Settlement dates covered (in the accompanying text), and Supplier IDs are shown alphabetically on the x-axis.
  • Each graph for Supplier Serial SP08b displays each Supplier ID that operates in that particular GSP Group for the current reporting period. These are ordered alphabetically.
  • The percentage (y-axis) scale is set to display the most information possible for all Supplier IDs.
  • There are two, horizontal lines, labelled for reference. The red line represents the Industry Standard of 99%, the black line represents the GSP Group average performance for the reporting period.

SP09 – Percentage of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems settled on default Estimated Annual Consumptions at Third Reconciliation (R3)

SP09 - PPC SP09 September 2019 Reporting Period


SP09 Example Graph

  • A column graph shows the percentage of the number of its Non Half Hourly Metering Systems that are settling on default Estimated Annual Consumptions at R3. This data represents an average of performance across all R3 settlement runs conducted by the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent during a calendar month, and is reported per GSP Group for all Supplier IDs with greater than 1,000 Metering Systems. The required BSC Standard is that no more than 0.1% of Metering Systems should be settled on default Estimated Annual Consumptions at R3.
  • The graphs show the reporting period and the range of settlement dates covered, and Supplier IDs are shown alphabetically on the x-axis.
  • The percentage (y-axis) scale is set to display the most information possible for all Supplier IDs.
  • There is a red horizontal line for reference which represents the Industry Standard of 0.1%.

SP11 – Percentage of total registrations received after Initial Settlement Run (SF)

SP11 – Timely Appointment of Agents after the Initial Settlement Run (SF)

  • SP11 measures Suppliers’ timely appointment of Data Collectors (DCs) and Meter Operator Agents (MOAs) in the Half Hourly (HH) and Non-Half Hourly (NHH) markets. Where a Supplier sends a new appointment flow to a DC or MOA, the reporting party makes a comparison between the receipt date of the flow and the Effective From Date (EFD) of the appointment. If the appointment is received late, the DC or MOA will report how late using Settlement Run timescale bandings. These processes relate to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) obligation for Suppliers to appoint 100% of their agents prior to the EFD. Late appointments can result in Meter Technical Details being rejected and Meter readings being misinterpreted or not collected.
  • The reports reference all appointment flows received during the PARMS reporting period that had the potential to impact Settlement. This is determined by counting the appointments reported from the ‘Before R1’ reporting standards onwards (Standards 4 to 8) – ignoring the ‘Before SF’ reporting standard (Standard 3) as no Settlement has occurred. Of all late appointments that had a potential to impact Settlement, a percentage share is applied to each Supplier. Under this metric, the total percentage on each report will always equal 100.
  • Each graph for Supplier Serial SP11 displays each Supplier ID that operates. These are ordered by percentage on the x-axis.
  • The percentage (y-axis) scale is set to 100% as per above.
  • Performance is shown at a national level (ELEXON has not broken the metric down by GSP Group).
  • The reporting is taken from HH and NHH MOAs and DCs.


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