BSC Insights: Imbalance and Settlement
If significant events or changes occur within the electricity industry we will analyse and offer insight into what has happened and why. The impartial insight articles are written by our industry experts, who have a wealth of experience and knowledge. These findings are supported by a large amount of industry data.
These BSC Insights articles all relate to Imbalance and Settlement.
BSC Insight: Why Non Half Hourly electricity use increased in the first four months of 2021
In this insight article Emma Tribe, our Analysis and Insight Senior Product Analyst, explains how the colder temperatures between January and April 2021 increased Non Half-Hourly electricity demand.
BSC Insight: Update on Settlement Performance during the COVID-19 pandemic
Source: National Grid ESOIn this Insight article, Mehdi Jafari provides an update on the Settlement Performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This BSC Insight follows on from a previous BSC Insight we published to show how COVID-19 pandemic had affected suppliers’ performance in 2020.
ELEXON Insights: Interconnector flows in and out of Great Britain
Great Britain is connected to the rest of Europe through five interconnectors with a combined capacity of 5,000MW. So far this year 9.2% of Great Britain’s energy demand has been […]