Trading Operations Report
The Trading Operations Report provides information on the state of the BSC market; including issues and incidents and a summary of the key events that may have had an impact on BSC Parties. The report contains various statistics for a range of key metrics and charts to provide an understanding of any underlying trends.
The Trading Operations Report is produced on a calendar month basis to meet the schedule of BSC Panel meetings as published on the ELEXON website. It is also circulated to the Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG) and the Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG). The reporting month is the one prior to the current month.
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Highlights in the latest report
- System Performance
- Prices
- Credit
- Cash Flows
- Imbalance Volumes
- Generation
- Demand
- Transmission Losses
- GSP Group Correction Factors
- Metering
- Energy Settled on Metered Data