ELEXON Quarterly Reports


The content from the ELEXON Quarterly Report page has now been move to the ELEXON governance and finances web page. This page will be removed in approximately 6 months.

About the Quarterly Report

The ELEXON Quarterly Report provides information on the operation, implementation and administration of the BSC, in accordance with section C3.9.1 of the BSC.

The Quarterly Reports are divided into three sections:

  1. BSCCo Review
  2. Operation of the Balancing and Settlement Arrangements
  3. Governance and Change

Proposed changes to the report format

Modification P381 was raised by the BSC Panel on 14 February 2019 and proposes the removal of Section C3.9.1 of the BSC in respect of ‘quarterly reports’.

Quarterly Reporting on ELEXON’s performance against its annual budget

We are a transparent organisation and will continue to publish quarterly reports on our finances, so that this is clear for our customers.


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