BSC Related Documents
This page lists documents that are important subsidiary documents to the BSC.
BSC Procedures (BSCPs)
BSCPs define the relationships, timescales and interactions between participants and specify the information or other outputs to be exchanged between them.
BSC Sandbox Procedure
The BSC Sandbox enables limited pre-competitive trials of potentially innovative products or services in a live market environment. It achieves this by allowing BSC Parties to participate in the BSC Trading Arrangements with certain obligations removed or altered (a derogation).
Business Definition Documents
Business Definition Documents include Data Catalogues, the Reporting Catalogue and the Communication Requirements Document.
Code Subsidiary Documents Architectural Principles
This document sets out the principles that underpin the architecture of the Code Subsidiary Document (CSD) set. It sets out general principles concerning the contents of the CSDs along with more detailed guidance on the contents of each type of document. It also captures the principles governing the change to existing and the creation of new CSDs.
Codes of Practice
Codes of Practice (CoPs) detail the technical requirements for Metering Systems. These versions are not time limited in the same way as other documents. When Metering Equipment is first registered in Settlement, it must comply with the requirements which are set out in the relevant Code of Practice in place at that time.
Demand Capacity Generation Capacity Review Determination
This document sets out the principles and processes for reviewing and determining the Demand Capacity (DC) and Generation Capacity (GC) Limit values, in line with the solution implemented through BSC Modification P357: Removal of GC/DC tolerance parameters from BSC Section K.
Interface Definition Documents
The IDD Part 1 and Part 2 documents list both fully-automated electronic interfaces and other partially-automated or manual interfaces; the spreadsheets list the fully-automated electronic interfaces.
Limit SVA Connection for SMRS Registered Primary BM Units Where Plant and/or Apparatus is Registered in another (CVA) Primary BM Unit
BSC Section K ‘Classification and Registration of Metering Systems and BM Units’ paragraph 3.1.3A states that Plant and/or Apparatus in a Primary Balancing Mechanism (BM) Unit, whose Exports and/or Imports are measured by a CVA Metering System, may also be in another Primary BM Unit registered in the SMRS. A different BSC Party from the BSC Party registering the CVA Metering System may register the SMRS Metering System.
Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement
This Statement sets the method for calculating LoLP values pursuant to the Static LoLP Function Method (‘the Static Method’) and the Dynamic LoLP Function Method (‘the Dynamic Method’) and the method for calculating a Static LoLP Function.
Market Index Definition Statement for Market Index Data Provider(s)
The Market Index Definition Statement, which is approved by the Authority, contains details for each Market Index Data Provider.
Party Service Line
There is currently a single Party Service Line that details the non-functional requirements that are common to Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) and SVA Party Agents.
Replacement Reserve Schedule Methodology
This document is the Replacement Reserve (RR) Schedule Methodology Document. Section T of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) requires the BSC Panel to establish this document (and subsequently have it in force at all times), for the purpose of settling Replacement Reserve (RR) delivered by Balancing Service Providers (BSPs) in Great Britain (GB).
Service Descriptions
The BSC Service Descriptions describe the service to be provided by the BSC Agents. As a general rule, there is one BSC Service Description for each BSC Agent. The exception to this rule is for the Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) which has two, one for SVA and one for CVA.
User Requirement Specifications
The User Requirement Specifications set out the requirements for each of the Central Systems applications, the two Party Agent applications and the PARMS application (but not for the SVAA “minor” applications).
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