BSC simple guides
The Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) is a lengthy legal document. The following guides provide a good starting point for understanding what each part of the BSC covers.
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P420 ‘Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review’ was implemented on 1 September 2021, amending the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) to align it with the Retail Energy Code (REC) version 2.0 as part of Ofgem’s Faster Switching Significant Code Review. The legal text for P375 ‘Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point’, was approved by BSC Panel at its meeting in October 2020 (307/06), well before the full P420 solution had been developed. The P420 legal text impacts the P375 approved legal text. Consequently, the P375 legal text cannot be implemented on 30 June 2022 due to conflicts with amendments introduced by P420
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Another change here – was approved by BSC Panel at its meeting in October 2020 (307/06), well before the full P420 solution had been developed. The P420 legal text impacts the P375 approved legal text. Consequently, the P375 legal text cannot be implemented on 30 June 2022 due to conflicts with amendments introduced by P420
Acronyms and Defined Terms simple guide
Words or phrases (other than headings or titles) that are capitalised in these summaries generally appear as defined terms in the BSC (either in Section X or in context in the Section to which they relate).
BSC Framework Agreement simple guide
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Pool Supplement simple guide
The Pool Supplement sets out provisions for final settlement relating to trading under the Pooling and Settlement Agreement (P&SA) up to the introduction of the new wholesale trading arrangements on 27th March 2001; provisions for the satisfaction, performance and discharge of certain other rights and obligations of Pool Members accrued under the P&SA; the arrangements under which provisions in the P&SA are treated as applying between Parties; and the Panel and ELEXON’s roles and responsibility in relation to these matters.
Section A: Parties and Participation
Section A of the BSC deals with Parties and participation. The main issues covered include the capacities that a Party may have under the BSC; the arrangements for admission of new Parties; requirements for Parties to provide information to ELEXON, and to register with the Central Registration Agent (CRA); and provisions for withdrawal and expulsion from the BSC.
Section B: The Panel
Section B covers the establishment of the Balancing and Settlement Code Panel, the appointment and duties of Panel Members, the powers and functions of the Panel, the proceedings of the Panel, Panel Committees, Annual Reports and the Annual BSC Meeting.
Section C: ELEXON and its Subsidiaries
Section C covers the constitution of ELEXON and the obligations of the shareholder of ELEXON; the powers, functions and responsibilities of ELEXON; the management of ELEXON; the relationship between ELEXON and Parties; the Business Strategy and Annual Budget for ELEXON; and Subsidiaries of ELEXON.
Section D: BSC Cost Recovery and Participation Charges
Section D outlines the recovery by ELEXON through BSCCo Charges of BSC Costs, which are the costs that ELEXON incurs in operating the trading arrangements. ELEXON’s costs and the contracted costs of BSC Agents are paid for by BSC Parties as described in Section D of the BSC. The amount each BSC Party pays (Funding Shares) depends on their market role and the volume of energy they generate, supply or trade. Funding Share data by month can be found on the ELEXON Portal.
Section E: BSC Agents
Section E sets out requirements that certain services must be provided by BSC Agents; the role of ELEXON in contracting with BSC Agents; provisions relating to the relationship between ELEXON, Parties and BSC Agents; and provisions relating to the BSC Services Manager. The BSC requires us to ensure the services specified in BSC Service Descriptions are always delivered.
Section F: Modification Procedures
Section F sets out the rules and procedures for modifying the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC, the Code). This includes procedures for proposing, consulting on, developing, evaluating and reporting to the Authority on potential modifications. Section F also sets out rules and procedures for the creation and modification of Code Subsidiary Documents (CSDs) and provisions relating to change coordination and Information System (IS) Policies.