EU legislation directly impacting on the BSC


This page is a one-stop shop repository of European Union legislation that directly impacts on the BSC systems and processes. Below you will find copies of REMIT and the REMIT Implementing Act, and the Electricity Balancing Guideline, amongst other legislation.

ELEXON’s role

The anticipated impacts of European Union legislation on the BSC are included in cross-code European Network Codes Implementation Plan, which is updated on a monthly basis, and published on this webpage.

The information is correct as of 4 November.

ELEXON and other 3rd party market operators in Europe

Europex, the Association of European Energy Exchanges, of which ELEXON is a member, has produced the following paper.

It explains how certain functions in the EU/EEA electricity market are carried out by Third Parties (companies independent from their national Transmission System Operator) whose roles are recognised in the European Network Codes and Guidelines.

ELEXON is listed as the Third Party Market Operator/Facilitator for Great Britain.

European Electricity Balancing Guideline

The main impact of EU developments on the BSC will come from the legally-binding European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB GL), which includes balancing and imbalance settlement within its scope.

Implementation and impact

In accordance with Article 13(4) of the Electricity Balancing Guideline, the Secretary of State may assign certain electricity balancing tasks or obligations set out in the Electricity Balancing Guideline that would otherwise have to be performed by the GB System Operator, National Grid, to one or more third parties.

The Secretary of State has assigned to BSCCo (ELEXON) and the BSC Clearer (ELEXON Clear) the tasks identified in this formal notice of assignment.

Following assignment from BEIS, we requested derogation from aspects of the EB GL to enable more efficient changes to the BSC. The derogation was rejected by Ofgem on the grounds that there is not sufficient evidence to determine a non-compliance for the stated concern.

The EB GL entered into force on 18 December 2017 and will drive changes to the BSC.

Further information

European Network Code on Emergency and Restoration

The European Network Code on Emergency and Restoration (NC ER) has the potential to impact on the Black Start provisions of BSC Section G.

The relevant parts of the NC ER are in Chapter IV (Market Interactions) starting at Article 35.


The NC ER entered into force on 18 December 2017.

Further information


This is the EU Regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT). The BSC Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) hosts the REMIT inside information platform for GB electricity.

Market participants can post inside information here if they wish, to comply with their inside information reporting obligations under REMIT.


Further information

  • REMIT Portal of the Agency for the Coordination of Energy Regulators (ACER)

The European Transparency Regulation

This requires primary data owners to submit specific information related to the electricity sector to their Transmission System Operator, or a third party acting as a data provider, for publication on a central European reporting platform.


Further information

The Clean Energy Package

The European Commission proposed a package of laws in late 2016 covering different aspects of the electricity market, some of which, the electricity market design laws, have the potential to impact the BSC in future.


The electricity market design laws are in force from July 2019 and were published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Joint European Stakeholder Group

The JESG provides a single group for GB stakeholders to engage on all aspects of European Policy. JESG information can be found from the relevant links on the National Grid website.

Here you can find a wide variety of information including presentations and minutes from JESG meetings that consider the impacts and implementation of EU legislation on the GB electricity sector, and the full suite of electricity Network Codes and Guidelines.


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