List of BSC Issues
These pages list all Issues published since 2011. Issues are raised where problems or potential improvements to the current arrangements have been identified, but it’s not known how best they should be resolved. Once raised Issues will be discussed by an Issue Group to consider possible solutions, requirements or to define the scope and issue further.
Issue 107 ‘Review of BSC Section N – Clearing, Invoicing & Payment’
Thiss issue would review BSC Section N to identify which areas and associated processes are currently pain points experienced by the Industry. It would identify solutions to address these to improve efficiency and the user experience for these processes.
Issue 106 ‘Review of BSC Credit Cover Arrangements’
The Credit Committee has requested that Elexon review the Credit Cover arrangements with industry experts through an Issue Group in response to key concerns about credit being sufficient to protect the market from Supplier Failure while also not being an onerous burden on market participants.
You can join the Issue 106 Group as a voting member, a non-voting member or be added to the Workgroup mailing list. To sign-up, please complete the Modification and Issue Workgroup sign up form.
Issue 105 ‘BSC Modification P448 implementation impacts’
The P448 Alternative Modification was approved by Ofgem on 6 December 2022 and implemented on 7 December 2022. As part of Ofgem’s decision letter, and further to Workgroup discussion, some consequential impacts of P448 were highlighted that require further consideration.
Issue 103: Meter Registrants and Settlement Risk – A New Way
The Proposer believes that there would be value in reviewing existing controls for Settlement error prevention. It is critical to the Proposer that we address these problems prior to the Settlement timetable being shortened by Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) as the opportunities to readdress will be reduced thereafter.
Issue 93 – heading
Issue 93 will review the BSC metering Codes of Practice, which have not been reviewed in totality before.
Issue 86
Issue 86 will review several processes relating to switching, Change of Supplier and Change of Agent. It will be of interest to Data Aggregators (DAs), Data Collectors (DCs), Meter Operator Agents (MOAs) and Suppliers.