P272 ‘Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8
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In February 2018, ELEXON hosted the ‘Looking Back at P272’ Industry Event. The event was attended by a number of delegates, representing all parts of the industry, including Suppliers, Supplier Agents and Distribution Network Operators (DNOs), and end customers.
Representatives from Ofgem also attended to hear first-hand the discussion and debates, and the event was facilitated by ELEXON’s Operational Support Managers (OSM), Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) experts and members of ELEXON’s internal P272 team.
At the event, we agreed to publish a summary of the key points raised, both for those at the event, and those who were unable to attend. This feedback will also be provided to the ELEXON teams responsible for the future Half Hourly Settlement planning, as well as our Change Team, for consideration in any future pieces of work.
P272 ‘Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8 was raised on 20 May 2011.
Since 6 April 2014, all Meters within Profile Classes (PCs) 5-8 must be an ‘advanced’ Meter capable of being read remotely and recording Half Hourly (HH) consumption. However, there is no mandate to settle these HH capable Meters on a HH basis.
The proposer for P272 believed that the use of Non Half Hourly (NHH) data is not as accurate as Half Hourly (HH) and masks individual customer behavior. Therefore P272 was raised and approved, making HH Settlement mandatory for all Metering Systems within PCs 5-8 (where capable metering has been installed). This change had a final implementation date of 1 April 2017.
In order to accommodate Metering Systems (MS) that would then be required to register as HH following the implementation of P272, The DCUSA (Distribution Connection Use of System Agreement) change DCP179 amended the charging arrangements to allow introduction of HH Metered tariffs for non-100kW MS.
This in turn required P300 to be raised which introduced new Measurement Classes to support the HH DCUSA Tariff changes (DCP179). This allowed Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) to differentiate between HH settled customers whose network charges should be calculated on a site specific basis rather than on an aggregated basis.
In order to facilitate migration of NHH PC5-8 registered sites to HH registered sites P322 ‘Revised Implementation Arrangements for Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8’ was raised an implemented. This mandated Suppliers to start migrating sites with effect from 5 November 2015, and complete migration no later than 1 April 2017.
As part of P322, Suppliers are required to submit Supplier Migration Plans (SMPs) to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB), providing information on how they expect to undertake the migration. Suppliers are also required to submit monthly updates (SMUs) on their performance against their original plans.
SMUs and any required SMPs should be submitted to ELEXON ([email protected]) by the first working day of each month. The reporting calendar for submissions can be found as a document attached to this page.
Failure to meet the 1 April 2017 deadline
All Suppliers that are non-compliant with the P272 deadline will be subject to the Error and Failure Resolution (EFR) process and required to submit plans to address the non-compliance as soon as possible.
At its meeting in June, PAB will review each non-compliant Supplier and will then invite the Suppliers which cause the most concern to the PAB to its future meetings. Further information can be found in ‘The Performance Assurance Board’s approach to non-compliance with P272 deadline (1 April 2017)’ document attached to this page.
Ofgem has issued an open letter to industry members reminding them of their requirement to comply with P272 on 1 April 2017. This letter also underlines that Ofgem may consider separate enforcement action to the PAB for non-compliance with the P272 deadline. The letter can be found here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/second-open-letter-migration-consumers-profile-classes-5-8-half-hourly-settlement-under-p272?utm_medium=email&utm_source=dotMailer&utm_campaign=Daily-Alert_22-02-2017&utm_content=Second%20open%20letter%20on%20migration%20of%20consumers%20in%20profile%20classes%205-8%20to%20half%20hourly%20settlement%20under%20P272&dm_i=1QCB,4S8OW,F31DYV,HZYWS,1
The latest news and updates on this work can be found in the public PAB papers attached to this page. We’ve also included the latest guidance, frequently asked questions and templates for SMPs and SMUs. You may also find further updates on P272 on the Ofgem website: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/bsc-modifications-p272-and-p322-frequently-asked-questions