Kinnect Insights Solution service
The Insights Solution is a cloud based data platform. It builds on the current industry-renowned BMRS platform and will provide a richer, more up to date and detailed data service.
On this page
Moving to the Insights Solution and decommissioning BMRS
Elexon is now in the final stages of completing the migration of Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) datasets and capabilities to the Insights Solution.
We will be switching off the BMRS TIBCO Service on 31 March 2024, and all the other BMRS endpoints (the website, APIs and the Data Push Service) in early May 2024.
What is the Insights Solution
The Insights Solution provides a more visual, detailed and customisable data service compared with the BMRS.
Switching off BMRS
The Insights Solution will replace the legacy BMRS application and fulfil Elexon’s obligation under the BSC to act as the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA) by collecting, displaying and providing wholesale market data.
Once we switch off the legacy BMRS, all the endpoints for accessing the data will be discontinued including the website, APIs, Data Push Service and TIBCO
If you are a BMRS user, you need to prepare for this change, and familiarise yourself with the Insights Solution, if you are not using it already.
Remaining stages of the Insights Solution roll out
Here are the steps ahead of switching off the BMRS. We will keep the page updated with the latest information.
Early February |
Final migration of data sets to the Insights Solution All BMRS datasets available on Insights Solution website, APIs and Insights Real Time Information Service (IRIS) including indicative Imbalance Settlement data |
Mid-February |
New service agreement to support the Insights Solution Service agreement to be in place with our technology partner for the Insights Solution to ensure that there is uninterrupted service and high levels of performance for the new Insights Solution.
End of February 2024 |
Go live of final iteration of Insights Solution. The final iteration completes the migration of flows that we are transferring from BMRS. It will include Indicative Settlement price calculations. Indicative Settlement prices are applied to energy imbalance volumes so that BSC Parties can have an early understanding of their Settlement position. Many analysts use this data for monitoring the market and for modelling. |
31 March 2024 |
Switching off TIBCO service The BSC Modification P454 removes the obligation for Elexon to provide BMRA data via the TIBCO service and was recommended by the BSC Panel for Ofgem’s approval on 14 December 2023. Elexon has written to TIBCO users to inform of the decision to stop the service from 31 March 2024 to avoid significant licence renewal costs. If you, or someone in your organisation is still using the TIBCO service we will be writing to you to explain that the service will be switched off from 31 March. Please note that since December 2022 we have been providing instant data from the Insights Solution through the Insights Solution Realtime Information Service (IRIS). The IRIS replaces the TIBCO service. |
Early March until the end of April |
Parallel run of Insights Solution and BMRS We will be operating the Insights Solution alongside BMRS from early March until the end of April. During this time, both systems will publish all the critical data flows including indicative Settlement prices. The parallel run period is so that we can closely monitor performance and check that the Insights Solution is working correctly. |
Early May |
Switch off BMRS The Insights Solution will become the system of record for Elexon’s wholesale market data in March and we will switch off the BMRS in early May. |
If you want to be kept informed when the page is updated, please contact our analysis and insights team.
Background and benefits to the Insights Solution