Peer Comparison Graphs 2


The peer comparison graphs are published in line with BSCP533. Following the end of a Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring (PARMS) Period (a calendar month), PARMS submissions must be received within 20 Working Days (WDs). The Monthly Supplier Settlement Performance tables are published in line with P427.

Monthly Supplier Settlement Performance

We have produced a report that showcases the monthly Supplier Settlement Performance for Half Hourly Metering Systems, Non-Half Hourly Metering Systems and Sub 100kWh Metering Systems among Suppliers.

The performance data is benchmarked against the established Performance Standards for each market segment under the Balancing and Settlement Code.

How to read the data

The performance data below is split by Market Party Identifier (MPID). Each MPID can be attribute to a BSC Party. An MPID is a four alpha character ID registered within Market Domain Data (MDD) which maintains key information essential to the operation of the SVA arrangements.

Find a full list of MPIDs

A full list of MPIDs mapped to company details can be found within the Qualified Persons Workbook. This workbook is available for download on the Qualified Persons webpage under “About Qualified Persons”.

Public Peer Comparison graphs

Performance data


This is a list of acronyms used in the table to help you read the data.




Settlement Final


Half Hourly market


Non Half Hourly market


First Reconciliation Settlement Run, the first required Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run


Final Reconciliation Settlement Run, the last required Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run.


Estimated Annualised Consumption


Measurement Class


Metering System ID


Meter Point Administration Number


Market Party Identifier


Grid Supply Point – The connection between the Transmission and Distribution Systems

Table headings



GSP Group ID

Grid Supply Point Group Identification

R1 Settlement Performance Over Period (HH)

Percentage of actual energy Settled at R1

Energy volume below 99% Standard (HH)

The total energy volume settled below the 99% Standard. At SF for MC C and at R1 for sub 100kW MCs

% away from 99% Standard (HH)

The % of estimated energy below the 99% Standard. At SF for MC C and at R1 for sub 100kW MCs

R1 Energy Over Period (HH)

The total energy settled over the monthly reporting period that was settled at R1.

R1 Estimated Energy (HH)

The volume of estimated energy settled at R1.

RF Settlement Performance over period (NHH)

Percentage of actual energy settled at RF.

Energy volume below 97% Standard (NHH)

The total energy volume settled below the 97% Standard at RF

% away from 97% Standard (NHH)

The % of estimated energy below the 97% Standard at RF

RF Energy Over Period (NHH)

The total energy settled over the monthly reporting period that was settled at RF.

RF EAC Energy (NHH)

The total energy settled on EAC at RF.


Total number of MSID’s for which the Supplier is appointed as Supplier for the reporting period.


Requesting additional graphs

If you would like any Peer Comparison Graphs that are older than six months, please email Analysis and Insight team.


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