BSC Panel Elections

Every two years, five industry members are appointed to the BSC Panel. Elexon facilitates these appointments via our election process and all the relevant information can be found on the BSC Panel Elections page.

2022 Elections – results

Trading Parties were invited to vote on members to serve for the period 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2024. Voting for the 2022 BSC Panel member elections ran from 1 August to 26 August 2022.

All votes have now been counted and verified. The elected members are confirmed as follows:

Name Nominated By Round Elected in
Lisa Waters James Fogarty, EP UK Investments 1st Round
Andrew Colley Garth Graham, SSE Generation Ltd 1st Round
Thomas Edwards Melanie Ellis, Shell Energy Europe Limited Further Round
Mark Oxby Martin Gebauer, Statkraft Markets GmbH Further Round
Michael Robertson David Foster, ScottishPower Further Round

A total of 62 votes were received. A full breakdown of the voting can be found in the following document:


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