Entering and exiting the electricity market
This page includes information on the process of entering and exiting the electricity market. It will guide you towards information about the various roles that make up the electricity market and what is required in order for you to join the market. If a BSC Party is intending to withdraw from the BSC the company must comply with the requirements within BSC Section A – Parties and Participation.
Market Entry
This page includes information on the process of entering the electricity market and answers questions such as:
- How long does the Market Entry process take?
- What are the costs associated with being a BSC Party?
- What are the Central Volume Allocation (CVA) system requirements?
- Are there any costs associated with the Low Grade and High Grade services?
- Do I need to lodge collateral (Credit Cover) with Elexon?
Most Suppliers, Generators, and Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) may have to become a BSC Party because it is a condition within their Ofgem licence. Other companies wishing to trade within the BSC arrangements may also have to do so.
Exiting the Market
For a BSC Party to withdraw from the BSC it must comply with the requirements within BSC Section A – Parties and Participation. The Exiting the Market page will explain the process in detail and guide you through the various steps.
Industry workshop on the harmonisation of imbalance settlement slides (Size: 645.09 KB)