Exiting the Market

For a BSC Party to withdraw from the BSC it must comply with the requirements within BSC Section A – Parties and Participation.

For an overview of the Market Exit process see the Simple guide to Market Exit.

The withdrawal actions of each Party will depend on registrations, trading activity and other factors relating to the Party. Therefore, if you wish to withdraw from the BSC please contact [email protected] who will work with you to determine factors that may prevent you from withdrawing. Factors may include:

  • The Party’s last day of trading
  • Registrations in CRA
  • Registrations in MDD
  • ECVN/MVRNs to which you are a Party
  • Registered ECVNA/MVRNA Authorisations
  • Communications line status
  • Lodged Credit Cover
  • Outstanding charges

Market Participant Role: Trading Parties

Checklist Documents

Market Participant Role: Supplier

Checklist Documents

Market Participant Role: Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent (ECVNA) / Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent (MVRNA)

Checklist Documents


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