Unmetered Supplies contacts form

This form provides contact details for the companies that fulfil Unmetered Supplies roles and functions. The contact details are for use primarily by electricity Suppliers, but also customers, to provide a starting point for UMS enquiries.

How it relates to you

The list doesn’t indicate a view from ELEXON on the operational capabilities of the companies, and ELEXON is not responsible for the outcome of any enquiries. Organisations are responsible for maintaining the contact list should any changes occur. Queries regarding administration of the list can be directed to the BSC Service Desk.

Obtaining contacts for Suppliers and Data Collectors by Market Participant ID

The list below is of market participants for Unmetered Supplies for operational data flows and operational enquiries.

Click the checkboxes for the contacts you want. Then enter your email address and click the ‘Submit’ button. The email address(es) will be emailed to you. They are for use by Market Participants only and should not be used for general enquiries.

Alex test

This method of providing email addresses helps reduce spam emails sent to our agents.

  • Step 1: Select contacts for your Market Participant's ID

  • Step 2: Enter your email address & click 'Submit'


Click on the X next to any of the icons to replace them with a short-cut link to the page you are currently on or search for a specific page.

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