SVA Removal of Qualification
The Performance Assurance Board (PAB) can remove a Qualified Person’s Qualification if the organisation fails to comply with certain requirements and standards.
In this circumstance, the following types of market participants may go through the Removal of Qualification (RoQ) Process:
- Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Data Collectors
- Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators
- Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Meter Operators and CVA Meter Operators
- Meter Administrators
BSC Parties are not subject to RoQ; Significant or persistent breaches of the BSC are addressed under the Breach and Default provisions of the BSC.
How does the process start?
When the PAB is informed of an organisation’s performance or compliance failures it can start the RoQ process.
We collect performance history from relevant sources, e.g. the BSC Auditor or the Technical Assurance Agent, and present this to the PAB. The organisation can provide a response at the same time. After considering the information, the PAB decides whether to continue with the RoQ process. The organisation and the PAB then agree an appropriate rectification plan and key milestones for improvement.
We monitor progress against the rectification plan and report to the PAB.
An organisation is in the RoQ process until either:
- It achieves the performance standards or compliance requirements agreed with the PAB; or
- The PAB decides to remove its Qualified Status.
If an organisation’s Qualification is removed, it cannot operate in its previously Qualified capacity. It cannot be the appointed agent for any Metering System in that role. If a Supplier appoints an agent that isn’t Qualified, the Supplier is in breach of the BSC. The organisation is not prevented from submitting a new Qualification application.
Performance Assurance Framework
The Removal of Qualification (RoQ) process is an incentive technique in ELEXON’s Performance Assurance Framework.