BSC audit: ‘Central Systems’ and CVA MOA
This page sets out the specific details for the BSC audit as it relates to ‘central systems’ and Central Volume Allocation (CVA) agents. While this element of the process is still related to the wider BSC Audit the approach differs from the audit of Suppliers and Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Agents.
What’s new
For the 2018/19 Audit, the report has been split between the ISAE 3000 Opinion covering CVA MOAs and Central Systems, and the Process Assessment Report covering Suppliers and SVA Agents.
How it relates to you
‘Central Systems’ agents within scope of the Audit include:
- The Central Registration Agent (CRA)
- The Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA)
- The Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA)
- The Central Data Collection Agent (CDCA)
- The Settlement Administration Agent (SAA)
- The Funds Administration Agent (FAA)
- The Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA)
- The Market Index Data Provider (MIDP)
The CVA audit reviews the Central Settlement Systems in order to provide a level of assurance that the calculations and allocations that have been performed within Central Volume Allocation (CVA) and Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) are in accordance with the BSC and its subsidiary documents.
The BSC Auditor’s scoping process for their Assurance Opinion over ‘Central Systems’ and CVA MOAs is driven by the requirements of an ISAE 3000 reasonable assurance engagement.
The BSC Auditor takes into account the Settlement Risks identified and evaluated by the Performance Assurance Board (PAB), changes to the BSC and BSCPs, and issues raised and closed in prior BSC and TAA Audits.
Other factors such as Business Unit Settlement Risk Ratings (BUSRR) and other agent-specific performance concerns raised by the PAB and through Disputes are also taken into consideration for Entity Selection and the setting of Audit Intensity.
Audit fieldwork takes place between November and March of each year, the BSC Auditors findings will be moderated after all on-site work is completed, to aid in consistency across all audited entities.
Following site work and moderation, the BSC Auditor will present its formal ISAE 3000 assurance Opinion covering ‘central systems’ and the CVA market to ELEXON, the PAB and the Panel.