Training on PARMS, Peer Comparison and Supplier Charges
This training course and associated videos will interest Suppliers and Supplier Agents involved with Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) submissions and the trading charges related to the submissions.
We will show how supplier charges are calculated, and how Supplier Agents submit Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring data for their associated suppliers.
Course overview and costs
This course is free of charge to BSC Parties and BSC Party Agents. ELEXON may charge other organisations for training services
Course Overview
- What are Supplier Charges and why are they Incurred
- Supplier Charges Reporting and how to Query Supplier Charges
- Estimating Future Supplier Charges
- What is PARMS
- What are the PARMS serials and what they mean
- How to interpret reports from ELEXON
- Peer Comparison
Course Objectives
- Who Submits PARMS Data and Why
- PARMS Serials that Incur Supplier Charges and Time-scales for Submissions
- How Supplier Charges are Calculated
- How Capping works
- How to Interpret all Data Reported or Submitted (Completness and Incompletness Reports)
- Supplier Charges Reports
- Specific Worked Examples
Video 1: PARMS submissions, timescales, Serials and Standards
This training video explains the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) submissions, timescales, monitoring requirements (the ‘Serials’) and the performance measures (the ‘Standards’).
Kathryn Gay, Settlement Operations Analyst also details Peer Comparison, Supplier Charges, the PARMS Serials they relate to, liquidated damages, what a ‘genuine pre-estimate loss’ means along with Supplier Charge Caps.
Video duration 1:40
About the PARMS videos
These training videos will interest Suppliers and Supplier Agents required to submit data to PARMS. They also explain charges stemming from incorrect or late submissions. We will show how Supplier Charges are calculated, and how Supplier Agents submit Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring data for the associated parties.
What do the videos cover?
- what are Supplier Charges and why are they incurred
- Supplier Charges Reporting and how to query Supplier Charges
- estimating Future Supplier Charges
- what is PARMS
- what are the PARMS serials and what they mean
- how to interpret reports from ELEXON
- Peer Comparison
What you will learn
- who submits PARMS Data and why
- PARMS Serials and Timescales for submissions
- how Supplier Charges are calculated
- how Capping works
- how to interpret all Data Reported or Submitted (Completeness and Incompleteness Reports)
- Supplier Charges Reports
- specific worked examples
Slides for this video
The video has a set of complimentary slides which you can use in conjunction with the transcript.
Transcription for this video
Hi my name is Kat and today we’re going to be talking about BUSRRs, PARMS and Supplier Charges and we’re going to touch on Peer Comparison.
All of these techniques lie within the Performance Assurance Framework. PARMS and BUSRRs sit within the corrective technique of performance monitoring. Supplier Charges and Peer Comparison sit within the corrective techniques.
The reason being they’re incentives to perform well.
The monitoring of your performance ensures that the data transferred between agents and suppliers is done so in a timely and efficient manner.
As part of the performance monitoring technique we use PARMS. PARMS itself is the performance assurance and reporting monitoring system.
Supplier Agents produce reports which are fed into PARMS to show how quickly and efficiently they’re sending me the technical details and reads between themselves and the suppliers PARMS then collects all of this information and issues five distinct sets of reporting.
It creates auto-generated PARMS reports, peer comparison reports, supplier agent statistics, the SRR and dashboards (or settlement risk report and dashboards) and from these we calculate supplier charges for under-performance.
When we talk about PARMS in the following modules we’re actually going to be referring to the PARMS serials which agents submit on behalf of suppliers. These serials report on timeliness, missing and the quality of data flows transmitted between agents and suppliers.
Full set of PARMS videos
PARMS module 1: Overview
Explains the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) submissions, timescales, monitoring requirements (the ‘Serials’) and the performance measures (the ‘Standards’)
- YouTube link:
PARMS module 2
Explains about PARMS submissions
- YouTube link:
PARMS module 3
Explains how to construct a Data Provider Information (DPI) file
- YouTube link:
PARMS module 4
This module covers PARMS outputs
- YouTube link:
PARMS module 5
Explains how Supplier Agents submit PARMS Assurance Reporting
- YouTube link:
PARMS module 6
Explains about PARMS Serials
- YouTube link:
PARMS module 7
Explains about the PARMS Serials reporting on timelines
- YouTube link:
PARMS module 8
Explains PARMS Serials on Quality
- YouTube link:
PARMS module 9 and 10
- YouTube link:
PARMS module 11
The last module in this series explains what make up Supplier Charges
- YouTube link: