
Grid Supply Point Group meter system inspections in Northern Scotland

We have arranged for the BSC Technical Assurance Agent to carry out inspections of Grid Supply Point Metering Systems in GSP Group_P (North Scotland). 

Maintaining Settlement accuracy is of upmost importance to us, and the inspections are part of our ongoing review into the performance of the Annual Demand Ratio (ADR) for all 14 GSP Groups.

What is the ADR?

The ADR provides a high-level understanding of the overall performance of the Non Half Hourly (NHH) Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) market. It identifies any significant under, or over-accounting of electricity.

Inspecting the sites in Northern Scotland

The metering inspections in Group_P will take place between August 2022 and February 2023. The TAA needs this extended period because there are more GSP meters in Northern Scotland (73 meters in total) compared with GSP groups in England and Wales.

Many of the meter sites in Group_P are in remote areas that cannot be visited during certain months of the year.

Responsibilities of Registrants to measure meters accurately

We are reminding Registrants that they must ensure that their meters record accurate and complete data. They must also notify us and other market participants if they notice potential errors. BSC section L, sub-section 2 explains these responsibilities.

We will continue to review the controls on metering and the performance of Meter Operators. Where there is evidence of poor performance or non-compliance we will report this to the BSC Performance Assurance Board to consider appropriate actions.

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