Technical Assurance of Metering Expert Group (TAMEG)

The TAMEG is an industry expert group which provides an opportunity to discuss issues and exchange ideas between ELEXON and industry participants.

It provides an arena where experts can come together to discuss the operations of the Technical Assurance of Metering Technique, the Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) and his findings. It is not a BSC obligation or a Committee of the BSC Panel; it’s a value added service to ensure the TAM service is effective and efficient.

Where the TAMEG requires guidance or approval of its business, information will be presented to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB). It may also assess and propose revisions to Code Subsidiary Documents and Section L of the BSC via the PAB.

The TAMEG is held every quarter on the third Wednesday of that quarter month. It is held at ELEXON’s offices from 10.00am – 4pm. It is chaired by Mike Smith, one of ELEXON’s Metering Analysts.

Membership is open to Suppliers, Supplier Agents and LDSOs (or appointed representatives) that have the TAM technique applied to them. The TAA also attend, and we also invite industry experts as necessary.


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