
Latest Releases information: July 2021

This page includes information about where changes are being introduced, how they impact on certain areas of the industry and whether your systems will need to undergo tests to ensure they are up-to-date and meet required standards.

June 2022 BSC Release: Review of P375 Configurable Items

We published a Release Circular on 5 July asking for comments on proposed changes to BSC Configurable Items related to Modification P375 ‘Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary point’,

P375 is to be implemented in the June 2022 Release. The changes will become effective on 30 June 2022.

Since 5 July we have made minor changes to Attachment C (New and Amended DTN Data Flows and Items) in the batch of documents published.

Please note that two additional data items have been included in the Dxxxx ‘Asset Metering System Half Hourly Metered Data’ data flow:

  • J0066 ‘GSP Group Id’
  • J0074 ‘Settlement Period Id’

We have made these changes to de-risk the loading and processing of the Dxxxx data flows by the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) system.

This change will only impact Half Hourly Data Collectors, who will be required to send the Dxxxx to SVAA following P375 go-live.


The updated attachment with these changes is now available on the P375 and Release Circulars pages of the BSC website.


If you have any questions on the above, or on the Release more generally, please contact Senior Change Analyst Craig Murray on 020 7380 4201 or email [email protected].


You can download the Release Circular and response form from the webpages above. Please use the response form to return any comments by 17:00 on 2 August 2021.


Please title your response ‘P375 Configurable Item Industry Review’ and send it to [email protected].

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