
Formal title: Enduring Solution to replace NETA Workaround 001

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


Workaround 001 was implemented to address the differences between the BSCP forms and the formats/screens developed by Logica / IMServ for processing the BSCP forms submitted by Parties and Party Agents. The enduring solution will ensure that configured items, BSCP Forms, Logica IDD & systems are aligned and that issues identified by Logica / IMServ in processing the forms have been addressed. The issue described above needs to be resolved by a review being undertaken of the BSCP’s, the system requirements and the IDD. For each anomaly, a decision will be required as to the most appropriate product to update (BSCP, System or IDD). This CP supersedes NCR333 version 2.


This CP was implemented


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