
Formal title: Introduction of a more efficient D0265 (Line Loss Factor Data File) data flow format

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision


The D0265 version 001 data flow is not a very efficient design for the publication of Distribution Business’s Line (LLF data. It is very difficult to use for validation checking, and due to its large size incurs very large DTN costs to distribute. Various papers in the past have been written suggesting improvements to the design of LLF information in the data flow in order to reduce its repetition. This CP proposes the introduction of a new, more efficient, design for the D0265 (version 002). It is thought that the introduction of this new revised format D0265 data flow would reduce a typical 50MB D0265 version 001 data flow file to about 150KB, i. e. a DTN saving of £299 per 50MB file. In a typical year, 12. 5GB of D0265 data is sent across the DTN in 386 data flows at a cost in the region of £75K. Almost all of this cost would be saved as a result of the introduction of this CP.


This CP was rejected


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