
Formal title: Introduce two new MTC's to uniquely identify actual MSIDs separately from pseudo MSIDs for the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement process.

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


P67 introduces the concept of multiple Suppliers who will be able to share Active Energy (Export and/or Import) into predictable and unpredictable elements. A flexible limit of 8 Suppliers for either the Export or the Import (7 Fixed and 1 Variable) can share this Active Energy (resulting in 9 MSIDs, one actual and eight pseudos) or greater if agreed by all the affected parties without compromising the timescales and processes described in BSCP550.
Therefore to allow the identification of these MSIDs (both actual and pseudo) in the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) it is proposed that two new MTC’s are specifically created for this purpose.


This CP was implemented


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