
Formal title: Revision to the ‘TA2000’ and ‘NHH Agent Competition’ text within BSCP511 ‘Entry Process - Supplier Meter Registration Service and BSCP512 ‘Entry Processes - Supplier’

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


BSCP511: Section 1. 1. 6 refers to the use of the SMRS Entry Process to support the introduction of NHH Agent Competition. This text is no longer relevant and should be removed. Section 3. 1. 10 again refers to NHH Agent Competition and the setting of the date when a hub can commence Change of Agent activities. This text is no longer relevant and should be removed. Appendix 4. 4, Section 4. 4. 2 ‘SMRS Functional Tests for Non-Half Hour’ refers to ‘Agents wishing to undertake competitive change of NHH agent’. This text is no longer relevant and should be removed. As a consequence of the above changes, it is proposed that a generic statement is added to Section 1 ‘Introduction’ to reflect actual market operation. BSCP512: Section 1. 1. 6 refers to the use of the Supplier Entry Process to support the introduction of NHH Agent Competition. This text is no longer relevant and should be removed. Section


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