
Formal title: Clarification of Pre-Payment Meter reading Obligations

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision


BSCP504 3. 4. 1 footnote 76 states that the Supplier (or pre payment system) should send pre payment reads to the NHHDC no less than every 3 months. Pre payment readings are usually received much more frequently than this, possibly more than once a day. NHHDC Change of Supplier activities are contained in BSCP504 3. 2. 6. 3. 2. 6. 10 states that if a valid meter read is obtained within the SSD-5 and SSD+5 window the New NHHDC should create a D0010 (meter read) and D0086 (Change of Supplier Read). If no valid read is obtained by SSD+8, a CoS read should be deemed using the METD and any historical data from the old NHHDC if there has also been a CoDC. D0086 reads that are deemed are usually less accurate than those created using a read obtained within the + or – 5 days.


This CP was rejected


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