
Formal title: Changes to validate format of SSC Id and TPR Id

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


Each of the Standard Settlement Configurations supported within settlement is identified by a unique Standard Settlement Configuration Id (SSC Id), which is published to SVA participants in Market Domain Data (MDD). Similarly, each of the Time Pattern Regimes is identified by a Time Pattern Regime Id (TPR Id). The SSC Id and TPR Id are defined in the SVA Data Catalogue and Market Domain Data Management (MDDM) software as free-format text fields: CHAR(4) for the SSC Id, and CHAR(5) for the TPR Id. In fact, however, there is an agreed industry convention (in use ever since the Non Half Hourly (NHH) market was opened to supply competition in 1998) that SSC Id is a four-digit numeric string (with leading zeroes if necessary); and TPR Id is a five-digit numeric string (with leading zeroes if necessary). Under this convention, 01017 would be a permissible TPR Id, but 1017 would not.


Implemented as part of the June 2005 Release.


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