BSC Changes impacting the National Electricity Transmission System Operator
This page shows which Modifications and Change Proposals have been identified as impacting the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO). Please note that the assessment of where impacts may affect certain roles within the electricity market may be amended during the course of the Change process.
P445 ‘Improving efficiency of Default Funding Share process and Energy Supply Company Administration’
This Modification seeks to allow the Funds Administration Agent (FAA) to process a Default Funding Share for unpaid Trading Charges earlier to reduce the cost of the borrowing facility and reduce the risk of shortfall. The Modification will also allow the Panel to instruct the FAA to release Trading Charges where the default relates to an Energy Supply Company Administration (ESCA).
P451 ‘Updating BSC Black Start provisions and compensation arrangements’
P451 seeks to facilitate the implementation of NGESO’s new approach to Black Start, termed System Restoration. In doing so, it proposes to update all BSC references to “Black Start” to “System Restoration”, and enable contracted Restoration Service Providers who are non-BSC parties to claim BSC Black Start compensation.
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