BSC Changes identified as having no impact
P420 ‘Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review’
P420 makes the necessary changes to reflect the close down of the Master Registration Agreement (MRA) and the transition of Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering arrangements from the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) to the Retail Energy Code (REC), as part of the Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review (SCR). It also inserts the required drafting to give effect to the new Cross Code Steering Group (CCSG) and cross-code modification arrangements, as part of the SCR.
P426 ‘Credit cover calculation simplified’
This Modification proposes to remove inefficiencies with the Credit Cover calculation by allowing related BSC Parties to combine their Energy Indebtedness prior to calculating the Credit Cover Percentage.
P402 ‘Reform of residual network charging’
P402 will introduce new reporting requirements on Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) and Elexon that will ensure the provision of data to enable the (National Electricity Transmission System Operator) NETSO to set Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) demand residual tariffs and enable accurate billing of subsequent charges.
Following the conclusion of its Targeted Charging Review Significant Code Review , Ofgem directed National Grid and certain LDSOs to make changes to how residual revenues are recovered through Distribution Use of System (DUoS) and TNUoS demand charges.
- More about Ofgem’s charging and access reform
P427 ‘Publication of Performance Assurance Parties’ impact on Settlement Risk’
This Modification seeks to amend BSC Section Z to allow the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) to recommend that the Panel publish notices to industry in respect of Performance Assurance Parties’ (PAPs’) contribution to Settlement Risk along with relevant risk data.
P392 Amending BSC Change Process for EBGL Article 18
P433 ‘P375-P420 Legal Text Alignment’
P433 seeks to ensure that the Legal Text for Approved Modification P375 ‘Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point’ is aligned with the BSC baseline introduced by the implementation of P420 ‘Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review’. This Modification will correct a number of manifest errors introduced into the P375 legal text by P420 and will therefore allow the implementation of the P375 Legal Text in the BSC on the P375 Implementation Date.
P445 ‘Improving efficiency of Default Funding Share process and Energy Supply Company Administration’
This Modification seeks to allow the Funds Administration Agent (FAA) to process a Default Funding Share for unpaid Trading Charges earlier to reduce the cost of the borrowing facility and reduce the risk of shortfall. The Modification will also allow the Panel to instruct the FAA to release Trading Charges where the default relates to an Energy Supply Company Administration (ESCA).
CP1570 ‘Housekeeping amendments to include reference to ‘Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party’’
CP1570 is a Housekeeping change seeking to correct minor errors identified during the preparation for implementation of Approved Modification P375 ‘Settlement of Secondary Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point’ as part of the June 2022 BSC Release.
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CP1571 ‘ another short title’