BSCP01 – Overview of Trading Arrangements: News
Elexon 2022/23 business plan now available
Source: Elexon Corporate websiteWe have published our 2022/23 business plan which explains how we will continue to manage Settlement to our historic high standards, and make changes to the BSC which support Net Zero.
Latest Releases information: October 2020
This page includes information about where changes are being introduced, how they impact on certain areas of the industry and whether your systems will need to undergo tests to ensure they are up-to-date and meet required standards.
CAP decreases to £54/MWh from 23 March 2021
Source: bscco business plan 2021The CAP (Credit Assessment Price) will decrease to £54/MWh from the last notified value of £64/MWh on Tuesday 23 March 2021.
BSC Insights: Interconnector flows in and out of Great Britain
Great Britain is connected to the rest of Europe through five interconnectors with a combined capacity of 5,000MW. So far this year 9.2% of Great Britain’s energy demand has been met by energy from the interconnectors. In this ELEXON Insight, one of our Market Advisors, Emma Tribe describes how much electricity flows on the interconnectors.
BSC Insight: Update on Settlement Performance during the COVID-19 pandemic
Source: National Grid ESOIn this Insight article, Mehdi Jafari provides an update on the Settlement Performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This BSC Insight follows on from a previous BSC Insight we published to show how COVID-19 pandemic had affected suppliers’ performance in 2020.
BSC insight: Forward Market Prices drive six CAP value reviews this year
We issued a consultation on changing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) value on 17 May 2021. This is the sixth time in 2021 that the CAP value is going to change. This is the most CAP change events to occur in the first five months of the year since the CAP weekly monitoring process was introduced in 2007. In this BSC Insight article, our data analyst Mehdi Jafari outlines the reasons for this.