Code of Practice 2: The Metering of Circuits with a Rated Capacity not exceeding 100 MVA for Settlement Purposes
This Code of Practice defines the minimum requirements for the Metering Equipment
required for the measurement and recording of electricity transfers at Defined Metering Points
where the rated circuit capacity does not exceed 100MVA.
This Code of Practice defines the minimum requirements for the Metering Equipment
required for the measurement and recording of electricity transfers at Defined Metering Points
where the rated circuit capacity does not exceed 100MVA.
For the purpose of this Code of Practice the rated circuit capacity in MVA shall be determined
by the lowest rated primary plant (e.g. transformer rating, line rating, etc) of the circuit. The
Metering Equipment provision and accuracy requirements shall anticipate any future
up-rating consistent with the installed primary plant. The primary plant maximum continuous
ratings shall be used in this assessment.