Code of Practice 8: The Metering of Import Active Energy via Low Voltage Circuits for Non-Half Hourly Settlement Purposes
This Code of Practice states the practices that shall be employed and the facilities that shall be provided for the measurement and recording of the quantities required for Settlement purposes. This Code of Practice specifically applies to directly connected and transformer operated Metering Equipment to be installed for the metering of import active energy via low voltage circuits for non-half hourly settlement purposes.
This Code of Practice states the practices that shall be employed and the facilities that shall be provided for the measurement and recording of the quantities required for Settlement purposes. This Code of Practice specifically applies to directly connected and transformer operated Metering Equipment to be installed for the metering of import active energy via low voltage circuits for non-half hourly settlement purposes.
This Code of Practice only applies to “whole current” and transformer operated Metering Equipment for Import Active Energy measured in kWh. No provision is made for the measurement of Reactive or Apparent Energy or any Maximum Demand.