IT Notices: BMRS downtime for June Release on 26 June 2019
There will be a period of planned downtime on the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) from 17:00 (BST) to 18:00 (BST) on Wednesday 26 June 2019.
How will I be impacted?
During the period of planned downtime, REMIT and ETR data submitted to BMRS via National Grid Market Operation Data Interface System (MODIS) will not be loaded and published via the BMRS website, API, Data Push Service and TIBCO.
Additionally no ETR data will be sent to EMFIP.
This period of planned downtime is required to deploy the latest version of the Energy Communications Platform (ECP) which delivers European Transparency Regulation (ETR) data from BMRS to the Electricity Market Fundamental Information Platform (EMFIP).
This outage only impacts data received from MODIS, the Balancing Mechanism (BM) market data and REMIT data submitted via the ELEXON Portal will not be affected.
All other BMRS data will continue to be published as normal.
Is there anything else I need to know?
No further information is included in this circular.