Alex’s test text.
Glossary terms beginning with 'N'
National Demand Net Imbalance Volume Net Payment Amount New Electricity Trading Arrangements Net Imbalance Volume NIV Tagged Bid NIV Tagged EBVA NIV Tagged ESVA NIV Tagged Offer NIV Tagged SBVA NIV Tagged SSVA NIV Tagged System Total Un-priced Bid Volume NIV Tagged System Total Un-priced Offer Volume NIV Untagged EBVA NIV Untagged ESVA Nominated Agreements Non-arbitrage Bids Non-arbitrage Offers Non-BM STOR instruction Non-De Minimis Accepted Bids Non-De Minimis Accepted Offers Non-Delivered Bid Charge Non-Delivered Offer Charge Non-Delivery Order Number Non Half Hourly Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator Non Half Hourly Data Collector Non Half Hourly Meter Non Half Hourly Meter Operator Non Half Hourly Metering Equipment Non Half Hourly Metering System Non-paying BSC Debtor Non-Supplier Trading Party Noon Effective Temperature Notice to Deliver Bids Notice to Deliver Offers Notice to Deviate from Zero Notification Date Notified Volume Charge Nuclear Site Licence Nullification Effective Period