Glossary Term: Acceptance Data

Data (in accordance with Section Q5.3.1) to be submitted by the Transmission Company pursuant to Section Q6.2.1(e).

Acceptance Data for a BM Unit shall comprise the following data items:

  • a) set comprising one or more Acceptance Volume Pairs, each with a ‘from’ MW level and an associated ‘from’ time and a ‘to’ MW level and an associated ‘to’ time and where

(i) the MW levels are expressed in whole MW measured from the zero point (of no energy Export or Import)

(ii) the times are expressed in a whole number of minutes and the first ‘from’ time is not earlier than the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time and the last ‘to’ time is not later than the end of the last Settlement Period for which Gate Closure fell before the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time

  • b) the associated Bid-Offer Acceptance Number ‘k’ expressed as an integer greater than the value of k for the Acceptance Data (for that BM Unit) with the immediately preceding Bid-Offer Acceptance Time or, where any Acceptance Data exists with identical Bid-Offer Acceptance Time, greater than the highest value of k which exists with such Bid-Offer Acceptance Time
  • c) the associated Bid-Offer Acceptance Time
  • d) in the case of an Acceptance within paragraph 5.1.3(b) (other than one within paragraph 5.1.5) that the Acceptance was an Emergency Acceptance
  • e) in the case of an Acceptance within paragraph 5.1.3(b) (other than one within paragraph 5.1.5) whether the Transmission Company has classified such Acceptance as an ‘Excluded’ Emergency Acceptance

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