Glossary Term: BSCCo Materials
Means: (i) any and all of The Code, Modification Proposals, Proposed Modifications, Alternative Modifications, Approved Modifications, Code Modifications, Code Subsidiary Documents, proposed or approved modifications to Code Subsidiary Documents; and (ii) any other documents established or adopted under The Code or any Code Subsidiary Document (whether or not referred to in The Code or a Code Subsidiary Document); and (iii) the documents, materials, reports, diagrams, charts and specifications in respect of which BSCCo or any other BSC Company has rights by virtue of the BSC Agent Contracts (relating to BSC Systems); and (iv) any other documents, materials, reports, diagrams, charts or specifications relating to any other BSC Systems; and (v) any other documents, works, materials, ideas, inventions, designs or proposals (in whatever form) arising out of or in connection with the central administration, operation or development (by the Panel, Panel Committees and BSCCo) of The Code and The Code Subsidiary Documents, howsoever and by whomsoever any of the foregoing are produced or compiled and including all drafts and working papers relating thereto;