Glossary Term: Monthly payment

Acronym: Ppm

the Monthly payment (Ppm) for each Trading Party p for month m is determined as follows: Ppm = ∑m (TSCpm) +∑m (MNMCm) * ∑m (FSMpm) / ∑m (1) +∑m (MCNSCm) * ∑m (FSCSpm) / ∑m (1) +∑m (MPSCm) * ∑m (FSPSpm) / ∑m (1) +∑m (MDCm) * ∑m (FSDpm) / ∑m (1)’ ∑m-1 (Ppm) where: TSCpm = the aggregate amount payable by a Trading Party by way of Specified BSC Charges in respect of month m; MNMCm = Monthly Net Main Costs relating to month m FSMpm = Main Funding Share for Trading Party p relating to month m MCNSCm = Monthly Consumption-Charging Net SVA Costs relating to month m FSCSpm = SVA (Consumption) Funding Share for Trading Party p relating to month m MPSCm = Monthly Production-Charging SVA Costs relating to month m FSPSpm = SVA (Production) Funding Share for Trading Party p relating to month m MDCm = Monthly Default Costs relating to month m FSDpm = Default Funding Share for Trading Party p relating to month m ∑m = the sum over all of the months of the BSC Year up to and including month m; ∑m-1 = the sum over all of the months of the BSC Year up to and including the month preceding month m; ∑m(1) = the number of months of the BSC Year up to and including month m; Has the meaning given to that term in Annex D4 1.1.

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