Glossary Term: Postponed Payment Date

If no information is received by the FAA in respect of a Settlement Run on a Notification Date or for any reason it is not possible for the FAA to determine by the close of business on the Notification Date the amounts to be incorporated in the Advice Notes: (a) the Payment Date shall be postponed so that it falls on the second Business Day (or such later day as the Panel shall from time to time decide upon request of the FAA) after the day on which the FAA receives and/or validates the information provided by the SAA (b) the FAA shall inform the Panel, BSCCo, the SAA and each Payment Party: (i) upon the Notification Date, of such postponement; and (ii) promptly upon validating such information, of the Postponed Payment Date; (c) such postponed date shall be a “Postponed Payment Date”, and a reference to a Payment Date in this Section N shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include a Postponed Payment Date; has the meaning given to that term in Section N6.6.1;

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