Glossary Term: Quarterly 1998 Programme Amount

The “Quarterly 1998 Programme Amount” (‘Q1998PA’) in respect of each Quarter beginning on the BSC 1998 Start Date shall be the amount determined in accordance with the following formula:- Q1998PA = (PACL*r) / (1-(1+r)-L) where: r is the rate (expressed as a quarterly rate, and as a decimal value) determined by the Panel to be the time weighted average of the Base Rates prevailing during the preceding Quarter; L is the remaining part of the 1998 Programme Recovery Period (specified in Quarters) as at the beginning of the relevant Quarter; PACL is the remaining portion of the principal amount comprised in the Aggregate PES Recoverable Amount not recoverable in respect of previous Quarters; has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.2.1 of Annex D-5;

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