Glossary Term: TDC Terms of Reference

The Panel shall determine terms of reference for the Trading Disputes Committee, which shall address at least the following matters: (a) rules and requirements (as to all of the matters, mutatis mutandis and so far as applicable, provided for in relation to the Panel in Section B4) as to the proceedings and conduct of the business of the Trading Disputes Committee, but without prejudice to Section B5.4.2; (b) the restrictions which the Panel considers appropriate (having regard to Sections B1.2.3 and B3.3.2) on the disclosure of data by the Trading Disputes Committee (including in particular requirements for a TDC Member not to Disclose to his employer information obtained as a TDC Member); (c) the identification and declaration of, and steps to be taken in the case of, any conflict of interest of a TDC Member in relation to a Trading Dispute; (d) circumstances in which other individuals may be or should be invited to attend meetings of the Trading Disputes Committee, and any requirements that individuals so invited should sign undertakings of confidentiality; (e) the functions of the TDC Chairman; (f) the maintenance and availability to Parties of a register of decisions of the Trading Disputes Committee and the extent to which the Trading Disputes Committee is to have regard to such previous decisions in deciding any Trading Dispute; (g) requirements (as the Panel considers appropriate) for the TDC Chairman and TDC Members to confirm or acknowledge in writing that they will Act in accordance with this Section W and the TDC Terms of Reference. The TDC Terms of Reference may be contained in whole or part in relevant BSC Procedure(s), and a reference in this Section W to the TDC Terms of Reference shall include relevant BSC Procedure(s) and vice versa; has the meaning given to that term in Section W2.3.3;

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