SVA Qualification & Re-Qualification
This page explains the two different qualification processes that you will need to understand as we transition from the current process to the MHHS process. The new MHHS process will impact everyone as a certain level of re-qualification will need to take place to meet the new MHHS standards.
How it relates to you
To operate as any of the market participants listed below you need to complete SVA Qualification:
SVA Party Agent roles
Asset Metering Half Hourly Data Collector (AMHHDC)
Asset Metering Meter Operator Agent (AMMOA)
Central Volume Allocation Meter Operator Agent (CVAMOA)
Data Aggregator (Half Hourly and Non-Half Hourly)
Data Collector (Half Hourly and Non-Half Hourly)
Meter Administrator (MA)
Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA)
Unmetered Supplies Operator (UMSO)
List of BSC Party roles
- Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party
- Distribution System Operator – (may also need to register as Supplier Meter Registration Agent and Unmetered Supplies Operator)
- Supplier
- Virtual Lead Party
As an applicant, you do not need to pay to go through the Qualification process. The costs for this are recovered centrally through Elexon’s funding mechanisms.
Current SVA qualification process
Until the MHHS qualification process is introduced it is possible to qualify using the current process. Applications by new entrants will be managed on a case-by-case basis by Code Bodies. If a new entrant wishes to enter the market before Milestone 14 they should review the requirements that are advised in the ‘Qualification Approach and Plan’ document ensuring they pay particular attention to Appendix B: Non-Standard MHHS Qualification Pathways, Pathway 5: New participant who intends to Qualify under MHHS Qualification as mentioned in the title will advise on the Pathway for new participants.
The Video and the information below will help you understand how to prepare for Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Qualification. The information will also explain what you need to do in order to qualify or re-qualify.
SVA Qualification process video
Video Published: October 2021
Video Length: 10 mins, 53 sec
The Qualification Process
- Accede to the BSC by signing the Accession Agreement
SVA Party Agents and CVAMOAs must sign and submit the Qualification Letter
Parties must accede to the BSC before starting Qualification. SVA Party Agents (listed above) and Central Volume Allocation Meter Operator Agents must sign and submit the Qualification Letter.
- Meet with Qualification Service Provider (QSP) (and REC if applicable to role) for guidance and agree timescales for the application.
Following receipt of the Applicants Qualification Letter (or confirmation of Accession), Elexon and our Qualification Service Provider (QSP) will hold a planning meeting with you.
This meeting will provide guidance and support and agree timescales for the application.
You may be required to undertake Entry Assessment under the Retail Energy Code (REC). If so, the Retail Energy Code Company will also attend the planning meeting.
- Complete Qualification document
Applicants must then complete the Self-Assessment Document (SAD).
Qualification applicants must then complete the Self-Assessment Document (SAD). The SAD can be submitted in full or section by section for review. Once submitted, the QSP will provide feedback until it has been completed.
- QSP to assess information provided in the SAD
The QSP will provide a scope for the Witness Testing and/or witness any tests reasonable to assess some or all information provided in the SAD.
The Table below highlights the SAD sections that each participant role is required to complete for the role they are qualifying for. When completing the document please remember to ensure that all information and detail requested is captured in your response, where information is not currently available, please indicate with a precise date as to when you will have confirmation.
As a Distribution systems operator they will be registering as a LDSO, UMSO and SMRA- in one application.
- Report submitted to PAB so they can determine your application.
When we are satisfied that you have fully completed the SAD and provided all appropriate information, documentation, evidence and verification, a recommendation will be provided to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) in relation to your application for Qualification.
The PAB will determine your application for Qualification as either:
1. Approved
2. Approved with a determination that certain matters are to be subsequently complied with
3. Deferred
Qualification guidance
The articles below have been created to help guide you through the process and provide an understanding of requirements where applicable.
Planned MHHS qualification process
Following the introduction of the new MHHS arrangements, all market participants will be required to qualify utilising the new MHHS Qualification Process. The MHHS process will then replace the current SVA qualification Process for all new market participants. For further information please see the indicative timelines in the MHHSP Qualification Approach and Plan.
All Programme participants must demonstrate their compliance with MHHS Qualification requirements by completing relevant sections of the Qualification Assessment Document (QAD).
BSCCo and RECCo are accountable for the implementation and management of a robust, timely and well governed MHHS Qualification process through the MHHS Qualification stage to the enduring MHHS arrangements.
BSCCo and RECCo have general obligations under the BSC Section C to “take all reasonable steps within its control to facilitate completion of MHHS Implementation in accordance with the MHHS Implementation Timetable.
Code Bodies will prepare and manage the MHHS Qualification process, working collaboratively with the MHHS Programme and with support from the MHHSP Qualification Test Manager (for non-SIT LDSOs), to assess Programme Participant evidence to demonstrate they have the appropriate systems, processes and controls in place to meet the MHHS requirements in a timely manner.
Pre-Qualification Submission is required from participants to collect information such as preferred Qualification Wave, Pre-Integration Test approach, completion timescales, target migration date, reliance on ‘testing completed by others and any risks and constraints.
Those undergoing Qualification before will be assigned to one of four overlapping Qualification Waves.
Participants must undergo Qualification Testing managed by an Elexon Qualification Test Manager and become MHHS Qualified. Once qualified, participants can start operating within the new MHHS arrangements from 30 September 2025.
Market Roles in scope for MHHS Qualification
The following Market Roles are required to complete MHHS Qualification.
MHHS Roles |
Nearest Equivalent Legacy Roles |
Code Body |
Programme Milestones to be supported by MHHS Qualification activity |
Supplier |
16/03/2026 – M14 All Suppliers able to accept MPANs under MHHS arrangements |
Smart Data Service (SDS)
New role but nearest comparator: Non-Half Hourly Data Collector (NHHDC) for traditional and smart metering systems and Half Hourly Data Collector (HHDC) for elective smart metering systems. |
16/03/2026 – M14 |
Advanced Data Service (ADS) |
Half Hourly Data Collector (HHDC) |
16/03/2026 – M14 |
Unmetered Supply Data Service (UMSDS) |
Meter Administrator (MA) |
16/03/2026 – M14 |
Unmetered Supplies Operator (UMSO) |
Unmetered Supplies Operator |
07/03/2025 – M10 Central Systems ready for migration |
Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO)
Licensed Distribution System Operator i.e. Distribution Network Operator (DNO) Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) |
07/03/2025 – M10 Central Systems ready for migration |
Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA) / Electricity Retail Data Agent (ERDA) |
07/03/2025 – M10 Central Systems ready for migration |
Metering Equipment Manager (Advanced) |
Metering Equipment Manager (MEM) |
16/03/2026 – M14 |
Metering Equipment Manager (Smart) |
Metering Equipment Manager (MEM) |
16/03/2026 – M14 |
Meter Data Retriever (MDR) |
None |
16/03/2026 – M14 |
Code Bodies expect to close MHHS Qualification activity at M14 and that Agents are expected to be MHHS Qualified by this Programme Milestone to support MHHS migration.
Where an Agent is not MHHS Qualified by M14, its request to become Qualified to operate the MHHS arrangements will transition to the enduring Code Body Qualification arrangements.
This is described further in Appendix B Non-Standard MHHS Qualification Pathways.
- More information available in MHHSP Qualification overview
- Latest Qualification plans in Appendix C: Indicative Timelines for MHHSP Qualification
Monitoring Programme Participants’ progress
In addition to the Code Bodies’ accountabilities and obligations above, it is the MHHS Programme’s responsibility to monitor Programme Participants’ progress and performance against the required MHHS Programme milestones and take any necessary escalation steps or other action if a Programme Participant is at risk of not meeting the MHHS Programme timescales.
MHHS Qualification Approval
To become MHHS Qualified, Programme Participants must complete all requirements in the (Qualification Assessment Document) QAD. All Code Bodies relevant to the participant’s role(s) as per Section 7.1 Market Roles included in MHHS Qualification Approach & Plan will need to approve the participant’s QAD.
For the avoidance of doubt, where a Programme Participant’s Market Role is governed by both BSC and REC, both will need to individually approve the MHHS Qualification.
Once a Programme Participant’s QAD has been finalised with Code Bodies and been signed-off by the Programme Participant’s Company Director (or delegate, as acceptable under the REC only), Code Bodies expect to confirm MHHS Qualification approval within a month.
Both BSC and REC MHHS Qualification is delineated on a Market Role basis, therefore where a participant has multiple roles, each role will be approved separately; there is no requirement for approval of these roles (other than LDSO, SMRA and UMSO) to be concurrent as long as the role is qualified by the timelines set out in Section 7.1 of the Qualification Approach & Plan.
MHHS Qualification Approval will be solely within Code Body governance. For BSC, the MHHS Qualification Approval for individual participants will be a BSC PAB decision. It is expected that participants will be able to appeal the BSC decision on MHHS Qualification to Ofgem in line with the process outlined in Section J of the BSC, Section 3.7 Referral to the Authority.
For REC, the MHHS Qualification Approval for individual participants will be a REC Code Manager decision. Where a Participant is dissatisfied with the Code Manager’s decision on its MHHS Qualification, it may appeal the decision to the REC PAB in line with the process outlined in REC Schedule 9 Qualification and Maintenance, Section 15 Appeals.
For the avoidance of doubt, participants will not be able to appeal Code Body decisions on MHHS Qualification to the MHHS Programme.
To be ‘MHHS Qualified’ (i.e., able to be registered or appointed to MHHS migrated metering points) for a role, the participant must meet the following criteria:
- Be an acceded and Qualified Party in that role for all relevant Codes as per Section 7.1
- Have completed all the requirements in the QAD, with the QAD approved by all Code Bodies relevant to that role
- All outstanding findings and observations must either be cleared, or an action plan to resolve them agreed between the Code Body who raised it and the participant.
In the case that the participant has elected to MHHS Qualify MPIDs at different times, a Management Assertion to confirm that the remaining MPIDs will complete MHHS Qualification prior to the required date as per Section 7.1 of the Qualification Approach & Plan.
Please note that Re-Qualification does not apply to Suppliers, VLPs, AMVLPs or LDSOs except when acting in their capacity as an UMSO or SMRA.
Qualified Persons are required to Re-Qualify prior to implementing Material Changes to the systems, staff or processes they use to operate in their market role. Qualified Persons will need to produce a risk and impact assessment (RIA) to determine if those changes are Material.
- Guidance Note on Material Change and Triggers for Re-Qualification
- Re-Qualification Risk and Impact Assessment document
How do I start the Re-Qualification process?
Please contact your Operational Support Manager (OSM) or the Qualification team. They will then get in touch with you to talk about Re-Qualification in more detail.
It is similar to the SVA Qualification process except you only answer questions affected by the change within the SAD. We then review the document, supporting evidence and carry out witness testing.
Surrender of Qualification
Your Qualified Person’s Qualification can be surrendered voluntarily by following the process below.
- Contact your Operation Support Manager (OSM) or contact the Qualification Team [email protected]
- Submit the Surrender of Qualification Letter to the Qualification Team
- The letter is submitted to PAB so they can determine your outcome
Removal of Qualification
The Removal of Qualification process (RoQ) forms part of the preventive technique within the performance assurance process.
This process assures that the Qualified Person’s systems and processes (developed outside of BSC Central Systems control) are meeting the required standards set out in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC).
This can be avoided if you follow the techniques listed in the Performance Assurance Framework, with specific emphasis on the Removal of Qualification process.