List of News & Events
This page lists all of the news articles we have produced over the last year. Any news articles older than 1 year are removed from the website as they will have concluded their designated lifecycle. Please contact us if you are looking for specific information on any subjects we have covered.
CP1591 Consultation on ‘New Site Visit Check Code Valid Set value’
The purpose of this Change Proposal (CP) Consultation is to invite BSC Parties, Party Agents and other interested parties to provide their views on the impacts and the merits of CP1591. The SVG will then consider the consultation responses before making a decision on whether or not to approve CP1591.
LA test CAP consultation 25 June
Following an increase in forward market prices, a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review was triggered. We invite Parties to indicate whether they agree with the proposal to increase the value of CAP to £77/MWh from last notified value of £70/MWh.