Jason Jackson

Role at ELEXON

As Panel & Committee Support Manager for ELEXON, I support the effective delivery of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Panel and Panel sub-committees. In addition, I provide subject matter expertise around Panel and Panel sub-committee governance; and work with our Change Team to help support the effective delivery of BSC Change. 

Previous career

Prior to my joining ELEXON I spent just over two years working in Settlement and back office processes for an electricity Supplier. 

As Technical Auditor for ELEXON I led a team of analysts and was accountable for the design, delivery and continuous improvement of three key annual and ad hoc internal and industry audits; the BSC Audit, Technical TAM Audit and TAPAP Audits. Additionally I provided expert advice and consultation in respect of audit and assurance matters.

Outside of work

My interests include ancient history, philosophy, cinema, game design/development and travel.



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