October 2020: Non-Standard Release [Wider Access and TERRE]

The scope of this release is for Modification P344 and Change Proposal CP1517. Non-Standard Releases occur when a particular change needs to be implemented on a specific Implementation Date outside of one of the planned Standard Releases. Typically, non-Standard Releases are scheduled for Regulatory driven changes.

Scope of the Release

The current scope of this release is to implement the following two industry-led changes.

P344 Project TERRE implementation into GB market arrangements

CP1517 Changes to BSC Configurable Items for the TERRE Final Implementation Date:

Note: P344 go live date is dependent on National Grid issuing the ‘P344 Final Implementation Date Notice’ setting out the time and date from which the Code provisions identified shall take effect as specified in the BSC Section H 2.5.2 (a).

  • P344 Implementation Guidance Page: Refer to this page if you want more information on how Project TERRE and Wider Access to the Balancing Mechanism are related to each other.
  • About TERRE and Wider Access: Refer to this page if you want an overview of Wider Access and TERRE
  • Market Entry Process: Refer to this page if you are a Virtual Lead Party (VLP) and want to participate in the Wider Access to the Balancing Mechanism.
  • Industry Test Strategy: Refer to this document for ELEXON’s strategy for testing Wider Access and TERRE arrangements with industry participants.

  • Wider Access Impact on New and Existing BSC Parties: Refer to this document if you want more information on impact of Wider Access Release on New and Existing BSC Parties.
  • All circulars relating to this release can be found here.


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