List of BSC Insights
If significant events or changes occur within the electricity industry we will analyse and offer insight into what has happened and why. The impartial insight articles are written by our Elexon experts, who have a wealth of experience and knowledge. These findings are supported by a large amount of industry data.
Gross Supplier Market Share Data reports
Elexon publish a quarterly summary of each Supplier’s quarterly energy volume and average Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) count. This allows customers to understand a Supplier’s market share of import and export electricity volumes and MPAN count.
BSC insight: Forward Market Prices drive six CAP value reviews this year
We issued a consultation on changing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) value on 17 May 2021. This is the sixth time in 2021 that the CAP value is going to change. This is the most CAP change events to occur in the first five months of the year since the CAP weekly monitoring process was introduced in 2007. In this BSC Insight article, our data analyst Mehdi Jafari outlines the reasons for this.
BSC Insight: Why Non Half Hourly electricity use increased in the first four months of 2021
In this insight article Emma Tribe, our Analysis and Insight Senior Product Analyst, explains how the colder temperatures between January and April 2021 increased Non Half-Hourly electricity demand.
How to find your own insights from Supplier Market Share data
In this BSC Insight, Emma Tribe our Senior Product Analyst and Nick Groves our Data Steward Lead, demonstrate some of the insights that are possible using data from the Quarterly Supplier Market Share report from Elexon.
Using this report you can understand the average number of metering systems for each Supplier above a threshold and compare that to the total electricity demand for their customers.
BSC Insight: Update on Settlement Performance during the COVID-19 pandemic
Source: National Grid ESOIn this Insight article, Mehdi Jafari provides an update on the Settlement Performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This BSC Insight follows on from a previous BSC Insight we published to show how COVID-19 pandemic had affected suppliers’ performance in 2020.
ELEXON Insights: Interconnector flows in and out of Great Britain
Great Britain is connected to the rest of Europe through five interconnectors with a combined capacity of 5,000MW. So far this year 9.2% of Great Britain’s energy demand has been […]
ELEXON insights: Keeping costs down when Suppliers fail
Roger Harris, Market Operations Manager at ELEXON, looks at the number of recent Supplier failures and the issue of Supplier of Last Resort processes and costs. Earlier in March another […]
BSC Insights: The electricity market
If significant events or changes occur within the electricity industry we will analyse and offer insight into what has happened and why. The impartial insight articles are written by our industry experts, who have a wealth of experience and knowledge. These findings are supported by a large amount of industry data.
These BSC Insights articles all relate to the electricity market.
ELEXON insights: Code Governance Review
This ELEXON insight offers our view of how energy codes (the commercial arrangements underpinning the energy system) could be consolidated and simplified for the benefit of new entrants and energy companies that are already in the market.
ELEXON insights: Defaults and SoLRs increased in 2018
In this ELEXON Insight, Emma Tribe, Business Intelligence Analyst, looks at the data behind these defaults and the 1.85% of electricity meters that have been transferred to a Supplier of […]