List of BSC Insights
If significant events or changes occur within the electricity industry we will analyse and offer insight into what has happened and why. The impartial insight articles are written by our Elexon experts, who have a wealth of experience and knowledge. These findings are supported by a large amount of industry data.
ELEXON insights: 1 November 2018 changes to the System Price Calculation
Emma Tribe’s article looks at how the November 2018 BSC Modification P305 changes can impact System Prices. Published: September 2018 Recalculating System Prices with November 2018 changes show that prices […]
ELEXON Insights: How flexibility markets could help trade in unused electricity and spare network capacity
ELEXON is proposing that nationwide electricity ‘flexibility platforms’ are set up so that offers to provide ‘demand-side response’, or output from electricity storage facilities can be traded easily.
ELEXON Insights: Identifying Settlement risks just got easier
We have listened to concerns of BSC Parties and we’ve implemented two major changes that will help Settlement risk and error. Managing the Settlement process Managing the Balancing and […]
ELEXON Insights: Audit results suggest issues for TAA Inspection Visits
Kat Higby and Jason Jackson recap on the concerns raised during the Performance Assurance Board (PAB)’s review of Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) Inspection Visits for 2017/18. The findings indicate that […]
ELEXON Insights: Independent analysis backs the case for code reforms
Angela Love, Director of Strategy and Communications at ELEXON, discusses analysis which ELEXON commissioned from consultants, Cornwall Insight on options for reforming the energy codes. Published: July 2019 Options for […]
ELEXON Insights: Imbalance Charging, where does the money go?
In this ELEXON Insight one of our Business Intelligence Analysts, Emma Tribe, explains energy imbalance cash flow and how leftover amounts are redistributed among BSC Parties. This article highlights how […]
ELEXON Insight: Rapid decline in coal-fired generation
In this Insight piece, Angus Fairbairn, Market Analyst at ELEXON, looks at the data behind the major reduction in coal generation in Britain which has been making headlines in April […]
ELEXON Insights: Imbalance Prices go negative on 24 March 2019
The 24 March 2019 saw the longest continuous period of negative Imbalance Prices since a single Imbalance Price was introduced in November 2015. In this article Emma Tribe explains what […]
ELEXON insights: Imbalance Prices with new CADL and DMAT
Emma Tribe’s insight article highlights the potential impact of changes to the De Minimis Acceptance Threshold and the Continuous Acceptance Duration Limit which take effect on 1 April 2019. The […]
ELEXON insights: First day off for coal in 130 years…
David Thomas and Emma Tribe write about Friday 21 April 2017 which was the first day in 130 years where no electricity was generated by coal in the UK. But […]