Training videos and services – just trying it out page
We have training videos available for people involved in the electricity industry. These include an overview of the BSC and specific sessions of key parts of working in the electricity industry.
What Elexon does video
This video explains what Elexon does to operate the Balancing and Settlement arrangements in Great Britain.
Video published: March 2021
Video length: 2 min, 43 sec
Training Videos
Training Video on Credit and Credit Default
For customers who want to understand the Credit Cover arrangements and in particular new BSC Parties before they register their first Balancing Mechanism (BM) Unit.
Training Video on Imbalance Settlement
This training will be of interest to those new to the electricity industry and those who want an overview of the electricity settlement process. Combining this with the short ‘Understanding Credit Cover’ training as a follow on as the two are closely related. This combination is highly recommended to new or future BSC Parties before they register their first BM Unit.
Training Video on Management and Resolution of EACs and AAs
For customers working in Supply, Non Half Hourly (NHH) Data Aggregator or NHH Data Collector businesses. It is aimed at customers directly involved with the large Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC)/Annualised Advance(AA) issue at operational or managerial level.