
BSC Signatories and Qualified Persons

This page gives access to a complete list of BSC Signatories and a list of Qualified Persons. You can also see how to get personalised support from one of our Operational Support Managers (OSMs).

BSC Signatories

All parties that have acceded to the BSC are listed in the table below which gives details on each party, including their registered roles, who their Operational Support Manager is or how to contact Elexon.

Party Name Party ID Party Address Party Roles Contact
Baglan Operations Ltd BAGLAN Severn Power Station West Nash Road, Nash, Newport, Gwent, NP18 2BZ BP,TG,EN
Balance of Power Trading Limited BOPT 17 The Courtyard, Gorsey Lane, Coleshill, Birmingham, B46 1JA BP, TN, EN, MV
Banks Renewables Limited BANKSREN Inkerman House, St John's Road, Meadowfield, Durham, DH7 8XL BP, TG
Barbican Power Limited BARBICAN Stonefield, Bagslate Moor Road, Rochdale, United Kingdom, OL11 5XT BP, TS, EN, MV
Barking Power Ltd BARKING Chequers Lane, Dagenham, Essex, RM9 6PF BP,TG,EN,MV
Barrow Offshore Wind Limited DONG009 DONG Energy Kraftvaerksvej 53, DK-7000 Fredericia, Denmark BP,TG
Bayswater Energy Limited BAYSWATE 8 Church Meadows, Church Lane, Toddington, Cheltenham, GL54 5DB BP, TS, EN, MV
Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Limited BOWL001 Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth, PH1 3AQ BP, TG
Beinneun Wind Farm Limited BWF2016 10 West Street, Adderley Edge, Cheshire, SK9 7EG BP, TG
Belsize Energy Limited BELSIZE C/O Utiliteam 7 & 8 Delta Bank Road, Metro Riverside Park, Gateshead, United Kingdom, NE11 9DJ BP, TS, EN, MV
BES Commercial Electricity Limited EBEA Parkside Stand, Fleetwood Town Football Club, Park Avenue, Fleetwood, FY7 6TX BP,TS,EN
BKW Energie AG BKW Viktoriaplatz 2, CH-3013 Bern, Switzerland BP,TI,EN
Blackcraig Wind Farm (Scotland ) Limited BLK2017 13 Queens Road, Aberdeen, AB15 4YL BP, TG
Bluebell Energy Supply Limited BLUEBELL Utilihouse, East Terrace, Euxton Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 6TE BP, TS, EN, MV
BlueGreen Energy Services Limited ARRUZZI 7 Albemarle Street, London, England, W1S 4HQ BP, TS, EN, MV
BNP Paribas BNPP 16 Boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris, France BP,TN,EN,TI
Bord Gáis Energy Limited BGELIMIT City Quarter, Lapps Quay, Cork BP, TN, TI, EN
Borough Energy Limited BOROUGH C/O Utiliteam 7 & 8 Delta Bank Road, Metro Riverside Park, Gateshead, United Kingdom, NE11 9DJ BP, TS, EN, MV
Bowfell Energy Limited BOWFELL Prama House, 267 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7HT BP
BP Gas Marketing Ltd BPGAS Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7BP BP,TI,TN,TG,EN,MV,TS
Braes of Doune Wind Farm (Scotland) Limited BODOUNE 3rd floor, Burdett House, 15-16 Buckingham Street, London, WC2N 6DU BP, TG
Breeze Energy Supply Limited BREEZE Suit 11, Dobson House, Regent Centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 3PF BP, TS, EN
Brilliant Energy Supply Limited NICKEL One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5DY BP, TS, EN, MV
Bristol Energy & Technology Services (Supply) Limited OSMIUM 1 Temple Quay, Temple Back East, Bristol BS1 6DZ BP, TS, EN, MV
British Gas Trading Ltd BRITGAS Millstream East, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 5GD BP,TS
British Nuclear Group Sellafield Ltd FELLSIDE Fellside Lodge, Seascale, Cumbria, CA20 1PG BP,TG,EN,MV
BritNed Development Limited BRITNED 1-3 Strand, London, WC2N 5EH BP,IA,IE
Brockloch Rig Windfarm Limited BRWLTD c/o Fred Olsen Renewables Limited. 64-65 Vincent Square, London, SW1P 2NU BP, TG
Brook Green Trading Limited MISTRAL 4th Floor, 80 Hammersmith Road, London W14 8UD BP, TS, EN
Brookfield Renewable Supply 2 BROOKFLD First Floor, 6 Lapps Quay, Cork, Ireland BP, TI, TN
Bruntwood Energy Services Ltd TAILWIND Trafford House, Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0RS BP, TS, EN
Bryt Energy Limited BULLION Room 724, 1 Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BD BP, TS, MV, EN
Bulb Energy LTD REGENT 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, England, E1 5JL BP, TS, EN, MV
Burbo Extension Ltd DONG010 5 Howick Place, London, England, SW1P 1WG BP, TG
Business Power and Gas Limited CYCLONE Jubilee House, Each Beach, Lytham, FY8 5FT BP, TS, EN


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